Monday, September 3, 2018


A new month has begun, perhaps my favorite month because it contains both my birthday and our anniversary.  September also marks other family birthdays:  our second daughter's, my sister's, my uncle Tommy's, and my uncle David's.  Tommy shares the 10th with me, though he was born twenty-five  years before I was, and I always thought that was special. 

Saturday afternoon I played for a memorial service honoring a cousin of a man at Trinity.  Though the mourners were few in number, their grief was no less significant.  His two sons spoke of their father's importance in their lives; their mother died several years ago.  I could not help but think of the memorial service in my (probably near) future.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Last Saturday I finished reading two books.  One was on my iPad so I read it mostly when at E's; the other was a hardback so I read it at home.  Wonder, by R. JPalacio,  tells the story of a boy with a facial deformity who  starts fifth grade in a private school after being taught at home.  He deals with bullying, teasing and confusion as he spends time with lots of new children.  Point of view shifts from one character to another.  This recently was made into a movie, but I haven't seen it.  Great story, well-told.

The Devil in the White City is a fascinating look at the 1893 Columbian Exposition (or World's Fair) in Chicago.  The author weaves together the lives of the lead designer of the fair and a serial killer, revealing to us much about life in the 1890's.  Erik Larson has written several books like this.  The first one I read was Dead Wake, about the sinking of the great ship Lusitania in 1915 (I think, maybe 1914).  Since I grew up in Illinois and have been to Chicago I especially enjoyed learning more about the fair.

I recommend both of these books.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A new friend

I'm making a new friend.  Carolyn is also a piano teacher, a little older than I, with two grown daughters.  I think I first met her at the community chorus a few years ago.  We spoke in passing and shared a few tips and commiserations about problem students.  But since es was born we have spent more time together.  She worked as a nanny when she was much younger and still enjoys little children, so occasionally she comes over to play with es and ec.  We have also met for tea and talk without the children.  Once she and her husband came over for supper.  Recently we took a walk along the lagoon, pausing every few minutes to rest on the benches by the water (she has some sort of foot problem that limits her walking).  We spoke about what we like to do besides teach, hobbies we have or would like to have.  Carolyn wants to learn to draw and do more camping, maybe learn Spanish.  I would just like to have more time for the things I already do, like quilting and scrapbooking.  Spending time with her is pleasant.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Perhaps I've talked about rafts before, but es still builds them with regularity in the den.  A quilt forms the bottom of the raft, and pillows are the edges that keep out the water.  Often lots of books appear on the raft, because when one goes for a long trip she needs something to keep her busy.  Sometimes little blocks and balls go along as "food."  It looks like this one has chairs; I wasn't there when it was created so I don't know how the chairs were described.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Dig, Dig, Digging"

When her aunt Sarah gave this book to es about two years ago, she wanted nothing to do with it.  We couldn't read it to her, show her pictures, nothing.  It had to be put back on the shelf.  But eventually it became a favorite.  One day Sarah fit the words to a familiar tune, then I copied her idea.  Perhaps it was getting older, perhaps it was the music, but es came to really like the book and the whole idea of large construction vehicles.

Now it's her brother's turn, and he "digs" this story!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

A place for everything...

Yesterday I began to clear my cutting table so I could finally cut the binding for Grand Illusion.  But then I became distracted as I sorted some of the patterns and bits of paper mixed in with pieces of fabric.  Rather than just put them on the desk to look at again later, I put them into appropriate places, like the recycling bin, or a drawer for Sarah's pictures, or a folder.  As I sat at the desk I looked at scrapbooks, so I put a few loose photos in sheet protectors then into binders to remind myself where they would eventually go.  And before I knew it, it was time to make supper.  I actually did get the table cleared off; maybe today or tomorrow I will choose the binding fabric and cut it into strips.  Maybe I will even sew it on to the quilt!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

'Cause why?

This has been one of those days.  es has talked or made sounds constantly, even after I asked her to be quiet.  "Why?" she asked.  "Because I asked you to."  More sounds, a humming but with nonsense syllables.  "Because we're in the kitchen and sound carries.  Your dad is working."  More sounds, perhaps a tad softer.  After ec went to bed I let her watch a short video about Princess Sophia, but I admit I didn't pay careful attention to the story.  "Why did the sea monster want Oona's comb?"  "I don't know."  " Why do you think he wanted it?"  " I don't know," which is not an acceptable answer. "Guess."  And round and round.

"It's time for you to have quiet time."  "I don't want to.  I can't.  I don't want a book."  Finally I told her she had to be by herself for a while because I needed quiet time.  And that worked.